Value considerations and business plan
Value considerations and the underlying business plans are essential control instruments in the management and decision-making of companies of all sizes.
Value considerations:
Regardless of whether it is for location assessments, transaction or sale considerations, shareholder agreements, expert opinions or second opinions: We provide you with comprehensive, professional and pragmatic support in the valuation of companies, shareholdings, parts of companies, individual assets or real estate using all current valuation methods.
Depending on the purpose of the valuation considerations, we will either prepare an integrated financial model or a report summarising the most important points.
Business plans:
Business plans are designed to map the future financial plan development of your company at income statement, balance sheet and cash flow statement level, taking into account the key value drivers, and create the basis for the financial management of your company.
The business plans drawn up on the basis of a financial model make it possible to present future developments in various scenarios, taking into account different assumptions, and to determine and simulate the surplus funds or possible future financing requirements.
This can be implemented at the level of individual companies or consolidated group structures.
Can we help you with the planning or evaluation of your business? We look forward to hearing from you.