Incentive and remuneration systems for the management

Incentive and remuneration systems for the management

We provide customised solutions for sophisticated incentive and remuneration systems:


Executive remuneration systems:

The remuneration of a member of the Executive Board is more comprehensive and complex than that of ordinary employees. Depending on the situation and requirements, remuneration for a member of the Executive Board is made up of several components that are often linked to the company's success. The spectrum is very broad, ranging from supposedly simple bonuses for target achievement to the issue of options and share packages. 

Thanks to our many years of supporting entrepreneurs and various companies, as well as our involvement in our direct investments, we have implemented remuneration systems for members of the executive board along the entire spectrum and would be happy to support you with your solution.


Employee shareholdings:

Employee share ownership schemes can take on various forms and functions. Shares or options can be issued to employees, synthetic shares or options can be created for employee participation purposes or even an employee participation company may be founded. 

Each of these variants has economic, corporate law and tax advantages as well as disadvantages, both for employers and employees.

Together with our clients and, if applicable, their employees, we outline employee participation solutions tailored to the company’s and client’s individual needs and objectives.

Can we support you in developing your remuneration systems? We look forward to hearing from you.
